Around Wednesday of June 26 2024, we started getting reports that there were API connection issues with Telegram, likely due to some security issues. Beginning Friday June 28, we started maintenance work that covers our app's connection to Telegram's API. Due to these changes in Telegram's system, users of 11.2 who are trying to onboard will not be able to connect to Telegram's API, and will see the error "Update App To Login".
Our solution to this is to deploy a new version of the application, which is available for all license holders.
If you are experiencing problems, you can download V11.8, here. This should fix any connection issues you have. Make sure you uninstall the old version first, using the instructions found here. Please note that some system requirements have changed, and the new version uses Microsoft Visual .NET 4.8.1. For a list of compatible systems please visit this link.